
Current work and projects

Focus of attention: I started to study focus of attention during my masters. We studied how attentional strategies (internal and external) affect the performance and kinematics variables in volleyball players of different levels. We filmed participants performing volleyball sets to a target. We calculated segment angles, velocities, coordination, and coordination variability. For measuring coordination, we use continuous relative phase (CRP) that considers the interaction of angular speed and angular position of two body segments. We used CRP for Knee-Elbow and Shoulder-Hip girdle rotations couplings. To run that research we did 3D and 2D analysis, data manipulation and transformation using MATLAB, statistical and time-series analysis using R-studio, and video digitization using MaxTRAQ, basic video editing and cutting using Adobe Premiere.

This research has been submitted to a high-quality journal in the field and we are waiting for the evaluation process.

Periodization: Periodization has been one of my personal interests since I did my undergraduated. Although I have not published experimental data in this area yet, I have done some reviews on the topic. Currently, I working on a project reviewing basic periodization models in volleyball (the first part of the article has been published, there is one part more) and am developing a periodization model for volleyball with some colleagues based on motor control and ecological approach principles. The article should be finished by the second semester of 2022.

Affordances and Perception and Action: This is the biggest part of the research I have been doing currently. We are using volleyball as a model to investigate perception and action in sports, as well as the perception of affordances. In the first study, we will ask volleyball players to estimate their accuracy for serving to different directions (to the sidelines and short). We will be comparing sexes and different skill levels. We plan to start collecting data in the first semester of 2022. Other experiments will include the perception of other skills, such as defense and hitting. The final part of the project will be dedicated to investigating how actions are generated in a real game scenario and how those actions could be related to affordance perception in volleyball.

In addition, we plan to investigate affordances using head-mounted displays. This is a promising field that still needs more investigations to verify its effectiveness for both research and practice.

Statistical analysis and equipment knowledge

Time-series analysis and forecasting: Arima, Arma models, statistic parametric mapping.

Analysis of complex data: Cluster analysis, Piecewise aggregate approximation, Multivariate vector integration

Analysis of variance: Factorial design, mixed design, repeated measure, Fixed/Random-effects model, nested and split-plot design.

Biomechanics: Signal processing, direct linear transformation, limb-segment angles, joint angles, velocities (linear and angular), accelerations (linear and angular), indirect determination of center of mass, moment of inertial calculation, force plate analysis and interpretation, electromyography analysis, and interpretation,

Published work

Degree projects (Thesis, dissertation, etc)

1. Arruda, D. G. (2021). The Effects of Broken-Down Focus of Attention Instructions on Volleyball Setting Performance of Skilled and Novice Players (Master’s thesis, University of Wyoming). Access here

2. ARRUDA, D. G. (2017). Reflexões sobre a periodização esportiva na atualidade [Reflections about sports periodization on nowadays]. (Specialization thesis) Access here

3. Arruda, D. G. (2013). Perfil motor de crianças e jovens participantes de um projeto de iniciação esportiva no voleibol [Motor profile of children and young participants in a volleyball project of sports development] (Bachelor’s thesis, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana). Access here

Published Papers

1. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G.; API, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE Periodização tradicional no voleibol [Traditional periodization in volleyball]. Revista Con-Ciencias del Deporte. , v.1(2), p.31-54, 2020. Access here

2. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G. Desempenho de uma Equipe Feminina de Voleibol Sub 15 de Acordo com a Hemisfericidade: Um Estudo Através do Coeficiente de Performance [Performance of a volleyball U15 female according with the hemisfericity]. Gymnasium Journal. , v.2, 2017. Access here

3. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G. Análise do jogo de Voleibol: Ensino da execução dessa tarefa com EXCEL® [Match analysis in volleyball: teaching of the execution of that task using Excel®] Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício. , v.10, p.112-130, 2016. Access here

4. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G. Fundamentos praticados por uma equipe feminina de voleibol sub 15 conforme o sistema de jogo: um estudo de correlação [Skills practiced by a under 15 women`s volleyball team in relation to the game system: a correlational study]. Revista Observatorio Del Deporte. , v.2, p.165 – 172, 2016. Access here

5. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G. NÍVEL DA PERCEPÇÃO SUBJETIVA DA DOR MUSCULAR DE UMA EQUIPE FEMININA DE VOLEIBOL SUB 14 APÓS DOIS TIPOS DE INTERVALO DE RECUPERAÇÃO [Subjective perception of muscle soreness from physical effort in volleyball after two types of recovery interval.] Actividad Fisica y Ciencias. , v.8, p.31 – 46, 2016. Access here

6. ARRUDA, D. G.; MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K. PERCEPÇÃO SUBJETIVA DA DOR MUSCULAR DE UMA EQUIPE FEMININA SUB 15 DE VOLEIBOL: UM ESTUDO DURANTE A 2ª ETAPA DO ESTADUAL DO PARANÁ DE 2015 subjective perception of muscle soreness from physical effort in volleyball team: a study during the 2nd phase of the Paraná state of 2015.] Revista Observatorio Del Deporte. , v.2, p.143 – 159, 2016. Access here

7. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G.; NIEVOLA, G. Validade e confiabilidade da escala de faces da percepção subjetiva da dor muscular do esforço físico no voleibol: Um estudo durante a competição [Validity and reliability of the face scale of the subjective perception of muscle soreness from physical effort in volleyball: a study during the competition]. Revista Observatório del Deporte. , v.2, p.26 – , 2016. Access here

8. MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K.; ARRUDA, D. G. Coeficiente de perfomance dos fundamentos do voleibol de uma equipe feminina sub 15: um estudo no Campeonato do Paraná de 2015 [Performance coefficient of volleyball skills of an under a 15 women`s team: A study in the Paraná championship of 2015]. Revista Observatório del Deporte. , v.1, p.253 – 280, 2015. Access here

9. ARRUDA, D. G.; MARQUES JUNIOR, N. K. Estudos dos Fundamentos de Jovens Jogadoras do Voleibol Feminino [Analysis of skill performance in young female volleyball players.] Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício. , v.9, p.730 – 751, 2015. Access here

Conference Articles

1. ARRUDA, D. G.; Zhu, Q.; Day, D. THE EFFECTS OF ATTENTIONAL FOCUS INSTRUCTIONS ON PERFORMANCE OF VOLLEYBALL SETTING IN SKILLED PLAYERS. 11th Annual Meeting of Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics. 2021. Access here

2. ARRUDA, D. G.; BRISKI, D. C.; CAMARGO, A. J.; URBINATI, K. S. Proposta Metodológica e Aspectos Pedagógicos no Ensino dos Esportes de Combate [New methodology and pedagogical aspects in the teaching combat sports]. II International congress in formation of the professional of Physical Education, Florianópolis/SC – Brasil II CIFPEF and VI SEPEF., 2012 p.387-398, 2012. Access here

3. PAPCKE, C.; ARRUDA, D. G.; SILVA, L. V. M.; PONZIO, P.; URBINATI, K. S. Composição comporal e níveis de força não são determinantes para o desempenho em provas de downhill [Body composition and strength levels are not predictors of performance in Downhill]: 27º International Congress of Physical Education, 2012, FOZ DO IGUAÇU.   FIEP BULLETIN. , 2012. v.81.

4. ARRUDA, D. G.; Comparação da capacidade e potência anaeróbia entre esportes coletivos e individuais [Comparing anaerobic capacity and power between team and individual sports]: 20º Seminário de iniciação científica da PUCPR, 2012, Curitiba. Acess here

Book Chapters

1. ARRUDA, D. G.; MATTA, G. B. Developing and training specific functional variability.1 ed. Philadelphia: BookBaby, 2021, p. 380-472.